List of heritage registers


There are a number of heritage registers around the world, which keep lists of natural or man-made objects deemed to be of heritage value. Many of them are kept by local government agencies, but also national lists by type of National Heritage Site may be kept. Most countries keep more than one register, depending on the type of site and its location such as natural wonders, castles and other architectural objects, feats of engineering such as canals, railways and so forth.



 Albania National Heritage Sites of a religious nature are protected via the List of Religious Cultural Monuments of Albania






Brussels Region









 Alberta Sites owned and run by the provincial government as a functioning historic site or museum are known as Provincial Historic Sites and Provincial Historic Areas. Buildings and sites owned by private citizens and companies or other levels or branches of government may gain one of two levels of historic designation, "Registered Historic Resource" or "Provincial Historic Resource".[8] Historic designation in Alberta is governed by the Historic Resources Act.[9] The province also lists buildings deemed historically significant by municipal governments on the Alberta Register of Historic Places, which is also part of the larger Canadian Register of Historic Places although this does not imply provincial or federal government status or protection.[10] The Alberta Main Street Program helps to preserve historic buildings in the downtowns of smaller communities.[11] The Heritage Survey Program is a survey of 80,000 historic buildings in Alberta, with no protective status.[12]

New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador





 Chile Monumentos Nacionales or Bienes Patrimoniales (National Monuments of Chile) are listed centrally by the conservation society Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales (CMN).[16] website





Declared historic buildings of Hangzhou are districts, artifacts or buildings legally declared to be "protected". According to the "Regularations of historic districts and historic buildings in Hangzhou" effectivated from 1 January 2005, historic buildings are those artifacts or districts that have lasted more than 50 years, and of significant values for history, science, and art study. In Hangzhou, declaring a historic house requires consulting the urban planning administration bureau, and the real estate adminstration bureau.

As of 31 June 2011, there are 287 declared historic houses in Hangzhou, proclaimed as 5 batches.[17] In the near future, it is going to issue the sixth batch which includes 51 historic houses.

Hong Kong







 Ireland In the Republic of Ireland, some registers are maintained by sections of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (The National Monuments Service and National Inventory of Architectural Heritage). Others are maintained by the "planning authority": the local council for the county, city, borough, or town where the monument or building is sited.

Name Type Maintenance
National Monument "a monument or the remains of a monument the preservation of which is a matter of national importance by reason of the historical, architectural, traditional, artistic, or archaeological interest attaching thereto"[23] Owned or managed by the National Monuments Service. The Service's own list of monuments is not definitive.[24]
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage "all—
(a) structures and buildings together with their settings and attendant grounds, fixtures and fittings,
(b) groups of such structures and buildings, and
(c) sites,
which are of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest"[25]
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. The NIAH's survey is not yet complete.[26]
protected structure "structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest"[27] Relevant planning authority maintains a list as part of its development plan.[28]
architectural conservation area "a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that—
(a) is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or value, or
(b) contributes to the appreciation of protected structures"[27]
Planning authority
special planning control area "an architectural conservation area [...] of special importance to, or as respects, the civic life or the architectural, historical, cultural or social character of a city or town in which it is situated"[27] Planning authority
area of special amenity "by reason of—
(a) its outstanding natural beauty, or
(b) its special recreational value,
and having regard to any benefits for nature conservation"[27]
Planning authority
Database of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes Gardens marked on the first- or second-edition (1850–95) maps of the Ordnance Survey of Ireland.[29] National Inventory of Architectural Heritage[30]




The list is maintained by Service des sites et monuments nationaux, a Government agency. The latest version is available here.

See Lëscht vun de klasséierte Monumenter on lb-wiki and commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Luxembourg


New Zealand






Cultural Heritage of Serbia (see also: World Heritage Sites in Serbia)

The register is divided into twelve categories:

Exceptional Importance Great Importance Protected
Archaeological Sites of Exceptional Importance Archaeological Sites of Great Importance Protected Archaeological Sites
Monuments of Culture of Exceptional Importance Monuments of Culture of Great Importance Protected Monuments of Culture
Historic Landmarks of Exceptional Importance Historic Landmarks of Great Importance Protected Historic Landmarks
Spatial Cultural-Historical Units of Exceptional Importance Spatial Cultural-Historical Units of Great Importance Protected Spatial Cultural-Historical Units



South Africa




United Kingdom

 United Kingdom

Heritage, culture, planning and conservation are devolved issues in the United Kingdom, and are dealt with by the governments of the constituent countries. England, which does not have its own devolved government, is covered by an agency of the United Kingdom government. See also Historic Environment Record (HERs) and Sites and Monuments Record (SMRs) maintained usually at a local government level (Archaeological Trusts in Wales).

United States







New York



  1. ^
  2. ^ Databank van het beschermd erfgoed
  3. ^ Register van het beschermd onroerend erfgoed van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
  4. ^ Inventarissen van het erfgoed
  5. ^ Liste des biens classés en région de Wallonie
  6. ^ Yangon Heritage List. The Myanmar Times. 2001-10-29. 
  7. ^ - Canada's Historic Places
  8. ^ Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Historic Resources Management - Historic Places Stewardship Section - Alberta's Historic Places Designation Program
  9. ^ Alberta Queen's Printer
  10. ^ Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Historic Resources Management - Historic Places Stewardship Section - Alberta's Historic Places Designation Program - Municipal Historic Resource Designation
  11. ^ The Alberta Main Street Program
  12. ^ Alberta Culture and Community Spirit - Historic Resources Management - Historic Places Stewardship Section - Heritage Survey Program
  13. ^ New Brunswick's Historic Places - Lieux patimoniaux du Nouveau-Brunswick
  14. ^
  15. ^ City of Edmonton
  16. ^ Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales
  17. ^ List of declared historic houses
  18. ^ Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural
  19. ^ - Kulturarvsstyrelsen
  20. ^ Base Mérimée - Présentation
  21. ^ [1]
  22. ^ BlfD
  23. ^ "National Monuments Acts, 1930–2004". Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  24. ^ "National Monuments > Search By County". National Monuments Service. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  25. ^ "Architectural Heritage (National Inventory) and Historic Monuments (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1999". Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  26. ^ "Buildings: County Survey Index". National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  27. ^ a b c d "Planning and Development Act, 2000". Irish Statute Book. Ireland: Office of the Attorney General. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  28. ^ "Protected structures". Building or altering a home. Ireland: Citizens Information Board. 29 August 2008. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  29. ^ "Project methodology". Database of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes. National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  30. ^ "Gardens: Search by County". Database of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes. National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. Retrieved 19 December 2009. 
  31. ^ Jamaica National Heritage Trust
  32. ^ "Jamaica National Heritage Trust - List of Declared Sites & Monuments". 2005. Retrieved 2009-09-04. 
  33. ^ Monument database of the Monumentenregister
  34. ^ Register of Historic Places
  35. ^ Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republiky - Domov
  36. ^
  37. ^ The Register of Parks & Gardens : Heritage Protection : Research & Conservation : English Heritage
  38. ^ National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service
  39. ^ National Historic Landmarks Program (NHL) Homepage
  40. ^ NPS: Nature & Science » National Natural Landmarks
  41. ^ California Historical Landmarks
  42. ^
  43. ^ California Points of Historical Interest
  44. ^ Washington State DAHP

External links